Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 15- Cravings

Something I have been craving recently… Hmmm…. I am not sure! I think fun. I just want to play and have fun so bad. It is both a curse and a blessing! I have had so much to do. My homework is a joke. I personally think that teachers should cease giving homework the last term of school. Especially for seniors because my brain is mush! I need to finish my east shore packet as well and take my online P.E. test. I should be buckling down and getting done… But my brain is on shrinky dinks, tattoos, books, laughing, nieces and nephews, sisters, friends, Talking, singing, playing, dancing, partying, and fun!!!!!!!!!!...... Not homework and online classes and exasperating things like that! I am so excited to have fun this summer… My last summer before UVU. I am excited. Nervous. AND just not in the mood for the rest of high school. So to sum that all up I am craving summertime and fun.
 Any questions?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 14- Time Changes

This is a picture of me last April! 
This is me this April!
Aside from the shorter hair and obvious weight gain, I am having a hard time finding ways I was different from last year! I don’t think that I have changed that much… I have really worked on letting go of some things that have happened in the past. I guess that has changed me in the fact that I am getting over things, and moving past them. I have learned to forgive those who hurt me. I have really learned to confide in my family. I have gotten to know them and trust them in ways I never knew I could. (I know this is kind of a cheesy blog post… And I apologize!) I have also gotten to know the girls in my ward better. They have been really good friends to me, even when I have kind of been a loser and not hung out every weekend.  Over choir tour I got to know the girls in my room too. One girl I bonded with a lot last week and I hope that we will be good friends. I can feel my life picking up the pace. I am so excited to graduate, and forget high school. I know that I have a lot more changing to do, and I know that whatever happens in my life I am going to be happy and okay. I used to be the girl who could trust anyone and be friends with anyone I was outgoing and funny, I want to be that girl again, but I know that I never can be all those things. I have learned so much that has helped me to grow up. I don’t want to lose what I have learned, but I am also working on trying to have fun, relax more, and be more trusting! The most important thing I think I have learned all year is that everyone is going through something, just because they look okay on the outside doesn’t always mean that they truly are. I used to think that people were always judging me, expecting me to be this person, and if I wasn’t they wouldn’t want to be around me. I learned that if they don’t want to stick around they really aren’t true friends. I also learned that most people are too busy trying to live up to what they think everyone expects of them, to even notice what you are doing! My advice? Just try to be what you want to be. Don’t try living up to other people’s expectations. If they can’t take you as you are, that is their problem! So I guess I have learned a little bit… ;)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Listen to this playlist: Wahoo!

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Day 13-Lauren’s Bucket List 2011

Don’t judge. :)

¨  Finish this blog Challenge even if it kills me!
¨  Get Married in the Temple
¨  Graduate from College
¨  Go Skinny Dipping
¨   Create something Beautiful
¨  Make a bold decision
¨  Go River Rafting
¨  Have children
¨  Take my nieces and nephews on a vacation
¨  Talk to someone famous
¨  Give a second chance
¨  Own a house
¨  Ride a gondola in Venice
¨  Learn a new Language
¨  Walk/jog a Marathon
¨  Swim in a tropical place by a waterfall
¨  Go to a foreign country
¨  Go to a huge concert
¨  Sing solo on a stage
¨  Dance in the rain
¨  Find my Passion
¨  Cook for a guest
¨  Own something expensive
¨  Travel to all 50 States and Washington D.C.
¨  Eat Pizza in New York
¨  Go to Harry Potter Land
¨  Own a Car
¨  Adopt a Child
¨  Have a pet bunny
¨  Own a phone for a year without breaking any part of it

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 12-Cell Phone

I ALWAYS have my cell phone when I am not at home. It is something I never leave the house without. And when I do, I feel so naked without it. I feel like out of place. I know back in the day we didn't have cell phones and blah blah blah, but I have grown up with it in my pocket since the like 8th grade! At home it seems to always be missing... But outside of my house I have it with me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 11- Favorite TV shows

Favorite TV shows and why
Okay so I know I promised I would post day 11 sooner… but I got too busy! But this has been one I have been looking forward to! We don’t have cable.. so we recently got Netflix and I love it, because I can watch all the shows I have been dying to see. Some of the others I just watch online, or while babysitting. They are all really good, if you haven’t seen them I highly suggest that you give them a try!
My favorites are

1.      Grey’s Anatomy- I love this show so much. At my house we truly believe they are a part of our family…. I know it is creeeeepy. But we love them!
2.      Physch- Shawn Spencer is the funniest guy, and Gus? I am practically in love with them both.
3.      Heroes- I have not finished all the seasons yet, but I love love LOVE these shows. They are so cool, and once I start watching I can’t stop.
4.      Army wives- Because how cute are they?
5.      My So called Life- There is something to be said about teenage coming of age shows from the 90s.
6.      That’s 70’s show- They are hilarious.
7.      Friends- Because the theme song kicks butt.
8.      Life unexpected- Probably the cutest show ever! Lux is my idol.
9.      Modern family- I have literally come close to peeing my pants.
10.  Sixteen and Pregnant- because Danielle watches it, and I got addicted.
11.  My life as liz- She is SO funny. And the nerd herd? Come on! That is funny stuff.
12.  Veronica Marz- She is like my idol.
13.  Bones- They are so funny. They are the cutest couple... If they will ever become a couple! I haven't seen the last season... but I plan to!

Well I am sure there are more.. but those are my top 11 in no particular order! I love them all! J

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 08- Songs I listen to....

Okay so I don't know how, but I totally skipped over day eight! Also I apologize for taking so long to do my blog challenge again... I have been so super busy. I feel like I am always on go! But I will blog the next couple of days, and then I will be in CALIFORNIA!!!!! But after that I will start back up again. I love this blog. It brings me so much happiness! It really helps me relax, and joy life. I feel like my life has been a roller coaster. I have learned so much about myself during this whole mess they call high school, but I will be so happy when it is over! So basically when I have had a bad day, or even a good one, I can just jam out to music to help me get through it or celebrate it!

Usually when I am super HAPPY and nothing can mess with my mood I listen to Put your Records on, New Shoes, Mika, Bob Marley, Pomplamoose, T-Pain, Norah Jones, Sarah Bareilles, and so many more!

Then when I am sad and lonely and just want to cry and think about the past I listen to Brown Eyes (Lady Gaga), Goodbye Waves at Driveways (The Rocket Summer), Gravity (Sarah Bareilles) and Hero (Enrique Iglesias)... But I am proud to say it has been a few months since I have listened to these!

When I am Mad which isn’t too often, or super Hyper I listen to Hate (I really don't like you), System of a Down (thank you Ryan :), Rasputin, I Look so Good, and pretty much anything with a loud bass and fast tempo!

If you haven't heard these songs/Artists you should check them out! I love them.

So I promise to post day 11 tomorrow! :) Have a GREAT day!